Practitioner Program



Become a fully qualified Practitioner Level Animal Communicator!

Enjoy being in the most comprehensive and professional training Institute in Animal Communication on a global scale. With over 20 years of groundbreaking techniques and methods making this program the only one of its kind in the world. 
Apply now to be in the Animal Talk Practitioners Program.

 Apply Now For Course Intake.


Superior education facility providing complete online training with Certificate of completion. Easy access, user friendly with audio/visual and text capabilities.


Trisha will be spending time at regular intervals in person with Practitioner participants. Giving them the ultimate trade secrets in being a Number 1 Practitioner.


This cutting edge and unique training is exclusive to Animal Talk and not offered anywhere else in the world.  It offers all you will need to be a highly sought after world class animal communication consultant.


Animal Talk gives you guided access to live clients to test and refine your skills. Valuable feedback from clients will enable you to fully hone your abilities and improve areas to make sure you are a highly sought after Practitioner.


Upon completion as a Practitioner Animal Talk offers membership into an elite group forum of Practitioner’s only. Keeping Practitioners up to date on the latest opportunities and greatest techniques available in Animal Communication .


Animal Talk has partnered with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists to provide our graduates with instant recognition and status as a professional Practitioner with discounted World-wide Practitioner Insurance .


01 Modules Covered

  • MODULE 1– Finding Your Inner Silence
  • MODULE 2 – Understanding Energy
  • MODULE 3 - Understanding Medical Intuition
  • MODULE 4 - Introduction To Animal Communication
  • MODULE 5 – Mastering Your Intuition
  • MODULE 6 – Communicating With The Natural World
  • MODULE 7 – Understanding Animal Soul Energy
  • MODULE 8 - Animal Communication Mastery
  • MODULE 9 – The Non-Physical Realms
  • MODULE 10 – Consultation Artistry With Clients
  • MODULE 11 – Channelling Animal Universal Wisdom
  • MODULE 12 – Self Reflection & Actualisation – Self Reflection & Actualisation
  • CERTIFICATION – Case Studies With Guided Feedback and Resolutions

02 Learning Intentions

  • You Will Be Able To:
  • Access a meditative brainwave state and maintain it
  • Telepathically and intuitively connect with all levels of the silent language of animals
  • Understand basic anatomy and physiology of several species (Medical Intuition)
  • Develop an advanced understanding of energy and how it works
  • Utilise energy and gain knowledge/wisdom of its different forms
  • Identify diverse frequencies from the non- physical realms
  • Connect with the Animal, Plant & Mineral Kingdoms
  • Establish an ongoing practice of advanced personal and spiritual development
  • Develop and understand how to continuously maintain and cleanse your energy system and its layers  
  • Comprehend various modalities of energy healing
  • Master your full potential as a spiritual being

03 Learning Format

  • 12 months Program including coaching
  • 12 months Access including coaching
  • Online including video, audio, supplied notes
  • 15 - 20 hours per week
  • Module released monthly
  • Weekly continued learning
  •  Quiz assessment on some modules
  • Additional learning tools
  • Final Practical Assessment
  • Certification upon completion of the requirements to the successful applicant(Certificate Supplied)See full T & C's

04 Bonuses

1.2.1 session with Trisha McCagh  

Fortnightly Coaching Calls (12 months access)

Personalised email contact 

Certification Certificate to completed certified members - Accredited members listed on the Animal Talk Website. 

Practitioner Level Membership(WhatsApp Group for advanced practitioners) 

Our Professional Affiliates


Global Leaders In Animal Communication!

Our Animal Talk Practitioners are of world standard as they have been through a rigorous training program of advanced knowledge, techniques and methodologies. Certification requirements were of the highest standard and complexity in all facets of animal communication. These practitioners are single minded in their approach of creating the highest quality possible for the health and wellbeing of all animals and the people they share their lives with wherever they are in the world. 

We have set the bar on a world stage of animal communication qualifications and standards.  Our practitioners are of the highest integrity, work ethic and professionalism.  They hold a certified annual registration and a continued learning practice each and every year to not only maintain their highest level of achievement so far but also to soar to higher states of advancement. 

Our amazing Practitioners will be displaying the Animal Talk Certified Practitioner logo with the current year of continued Registration and CPD for easy identification.  You will be assured of the highest quality of service for you and your animals no matter where you are located worldwide. 





Animal  Talk  Practitioner Program - The  Animal  Talk Institute


Do you want a career working with animals? This groundbreaking Program at the Animal Talk institute will more than prepare you with everything you need to become a highly successful Practitioner In the said & Animal Communication and beyond. To work with animals In any capacity it is an absolute must, to be able to communicate effectively with them or you only have half the story and half the solutions.

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