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Trisha Mc Cagh
Trisha founded Animal Talk over 20 years ago and has created not only the most formidable Animal Communication business in Australia and internationally but also an education facility second to none. She will be your host at all the events to make sure your experience is a special one.
Our Testimonials
I would like to express my very sincere thanks to you for your most kind and generous donation to the Wildlife Veterinary Unit of $25 million (Zimbabwe dollars). It sounds like an absolute fortune, and it is indeed a lot of money. Roxy may have explained, but the WVU is involved in servicing the veterinary requirements of wildlife conservation and production. The economics of wildlife production, in most spheres, have been severely curtailed by the present situation in the country and any assistance that is given is most appreciated. In this case, I would like to use the money you have donated to purchase drugs that I would not otherwise have been able to hold – namely for the treatment of tick-borne disease in antelope. At this time of year, animals can be under severe nutritional stress, and tick parasitism has a much greater effect then when the forage quality is good. One of the drugs also, we have discovered, appears to be effective in treating another parasitic disease (Leishmaniasis) that we have recently encountered here. So all in all it was a very timely, and worthwhile donation. I understand that your course at Roxy’s was very enlightening. I hope the rest of your stay in this country was enjoyable and interesting. Thank you for coming to Zimbabwe, at a time when many people won’t, and imparting your knowledge; and thank you again for your most generous donation.
I asked Trisha for advice on a cat I was planning to get. I asked her to find out if the cat was content to stay with me – even though I work during the day – if he wanted another cat as a companion and how his leg got broken. The result was amazing. Not only was Trisha able to get all the information I asked about Kenjiro. The cat also told her details about me she could not have known before. The information was thorough, very detailed and right on the spot. I am very grateful for what she did for Kenjiro and me.
I contacted Trisha when I was two weeks off from leaving for my honeymoon. Zarley my 16.2 anglo arab mare had become accident prone with at least one new injury once a week and a major injury every two months or so! I couldn’t understand the need for her to be so clumsy! I was scared she was going to hurt herself while I was away and I wouldn’t be there to help her. Trisha was able to talk to Zarley and soon found that the main reason Zarley had been hurting herself was because everytime I had gone out to visit or ride, my mind had been elsewhere. Because I had been thinking of so many other things, Zarley thought I didn’t love her. After Trisha had talked to Zarley, I was able to go on my honeymoon knowing that Zarley would be safe and sound.The amazing thing (well, not so amazing for Trisha) is that Trisha was 100% accurate on Zarley’s character and even corrected me when I accidentally told Trisha that Zarley had hurt her left leg instead of her right! I have since asked Trisha to talked to Rusty (Zarley’s boyfriend) and found the same clarity and accuracy second time around.
Monty, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, had been the centre of my husband’s and my life for two years, when I fell pregnant. Within 6 months he started to become unsettled and misbehave, acting out of character. We were really worried that he might not cope with the changes to the family unit. I spoke to Trisha and she suggested methods to communicate my fears with Monty and to let him know what was going on. She felt that he had noticed the changes in us, and was confused by them. I started her technique of talking to Monty and using visualization to send messages to him. Literally overnight he became much calmer and seemed happier. I now feel that he is closer than ever to me as we have connected on a different level. The thing that impresses me the most is how simple it is to talk to your pet and get a response from them. The mutual understanding derived from this is amazing and overall I feel I have a deeper relationship with Monty.
I had a consultation with Trisha regarding my lost cat Bruno. She was right he was close just across the road. He had been in the same spot for the last ten days and had not let the owners of the house come near him so did what they could to provide him with a little food and water. There was a fence – red brown in colour as well as wooden slats and he was located in the corner, just as you had said. We think he was quite confused and frightened and was not able to get back across the road as he would have had to have crossed four lanes of traffic. It seems so silly now that I did not put the flyers in letterboxes over the road but I was convinced he would not have gone across the road. After speaking to you I extended the search with more flyers which included over the road and this afternoon one of the neighbours across the road alterted us to his whereabouts. Despite a considerable loss in weight and a cut on his leg he was fine. Both Bruno and I would like to thank you so very much for your help, you truely have a wonderful gift.
I contacted Trisha to speak to my beloved dog Maggie regarding a couple of issues she was having and what she had to say. I couldn’t believe how astoundingly accurate Trisha was and Maggie’s words of love for me brought tears to my eyes. I highly recommend Trisha for anyone who wishes to communicate with their much loved animal friend.
My husband and I love our miniature poodle ‘Alfie’ to bits. He has some problems, mainly behavioural and anxiety based. This has worried us as we want him to be happy and understand him more. Our dream was to find someone who could communicate with him, and hopefully find some solutions to these problems. We by chance found Trisha, and the information she conveyed back to us was amazing. She knew Alfie really well, but has never physically been in his company, and has seen only a photograph of our boy. Everything he said to Trisha rang true and made sense even the fact that he doesn’t really consider himself a dog at all! It is early days, but we now have a base on which to address many of our issues. I recommend to anyone who loves and cares about their animals to trust Trisha and utilize her remarkable skill and enthusiasm.
This has been one of the most incredible things that I have ever had the fortune to experience. I was actually in a state of mild shock when I read your email. On the one hand it made me cry, and on another it made me feel very inspired and motivated. Everything that I had suspected was actually put into words by you from Bones. I just wish I could talk to him myself and try to help him understand better. Having an insight into how he is feeling is tremendously helpful. You have no idea how grateful I am to you. I have so many doubts and worries about my lions, as I know that they understand so much and are so intelligent.The problems with lions is that they are virtually impossible to rehabilitate back into the wild. The best thing I will ever be able to do for Bones is to find a protected conservancy somewhere in Africa and put him in there. But, that is going to be a terribly difficult dream to fulfil, However, I will put mind into it for the future and see what comes up. What I am hoping to do is, with their cooperation, use the lions for education and awareness, promoting and interest in their conservation in the wild. The more people that are exposed to animals through touching, smelling, seeing and hearing, the more interested they become. I have seen it time and time again. TV and magazines are not enough. Thankyou again for touching me so deeply as I am truly grateful.
Trisha I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the wonderful work you did with my cat Bella. I must admit I was a little skeptical about the idea of a Pet Psychic/Communicator but my limited knowledge of the process was quickly enlightened when you told me not only what had been bothering Bella but about the renovations, including the layout of my home, but also her food preferences, which are strange for any cat! These things were so specific and things that you could not have possibly known! Since you communicated with her, her rash which would not go away no matter what else I did for her, has completely cleared up and has never come back. I can’t thank you enough for your assistance with Bella and for opening.