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Mastering Oneness with Your Horse
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Mastering Oneness with Your Horse
Pre-requisites: Intuitive Horse Clinic
Duration: 5 Days
Time: (Day 1 – 4) – 9.00am to 5pm (Day 5) – 9am to 3pm.
When you are at complete oneness with another being, there is no separation of spirit or desire only truth and the willingness of the soul. The merging of mind, body and spirit creates the ultimate relationship.
FAR BEYOND THE TRADITIONAL REALMS OF NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP[/vc_column_text][us_separator type=”invisible”][us_single_image image=”8509″ size=”shop_single”][us_separator type=”invisible”][vc_column_text]Topics Covered::
- Establishing an energy connection with your horse creating the ultimate relationship.
- Body scanning for health issues (not a substitute for veterinary treatment).
- Sensing your horse intuitively, not analytically.
- Making intuitive/telepathic language with your horse the principal communication.
- Being creative during the fun times.
- Knowing what it feels like being your horse.
- Achieving success through clarity in your mind, body and soul.
- Active visualisation taking you to new perceptions.
- Getting rid of old ways to triumph in the way of the future.
- Making changes to daily rituals.
- Setting new intentions for outcomes, interactions and the relationship as a whole.
- Changing commands into invitations.
- Allowing your horse to be true to their species.
- Using intuitive sensing to establish the comfort and fit of your tack.
- Learning what your horse wants to do in life.
- Perfect the connection you have with your horse when you ride or during ground work.
- Creating new goals for you and your horse.
- Getting out of your head and into your heart.
- Discovering who you really are through your horse.
- Achieving success with a few easy steps.
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