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Intuitive Horse Clinic
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Intuitive Horse Clinic
Pre-requisites: n/a
Duration: 5 Days
Time: (Day 1 – 4) – 9.00am to 5pm (Day 5) – 9am to 3pm.
In less than a week improve your overall success simply by transforming your perception and beliefs?
Understanding what your horse really wants and needs from you for the ideal relationship?
When working intuitively, an amazing mind, body and spirit connection occurs with your horse.
Discover the true purpose of why you and your horse are sharing this life together.[/vc_column_text][us_separator type=”invisible”][us_single_image image=”7796″][us_separator type=”invisible”][vc_column_text]Topics Covered:
- Exclusive techniques for telepathic/intuitive communication.
- Covers Level 1 and 2 Animal Communication
- Two-way conversations with your horse (or any animal).
- Perfecting riding techniques through communication with your horse.
- Connecting with your horse on a conscious and subconscious level.
- Discovering your life purpose: Why are you & your horse together?
- Increasing your sensitivity to all in the natural world just as your horse does naturally.
- Becoming one with the earth using Shamanic practice.
- Working on specific challenges regarding yourself and your horse.
- Creating the ultimate relationship.
- Incredible insights into a horse’s inner world.
- Understanding why you and your horse are together.
- Discovering the part your horse plays in your life purpose.
- Communication directly from your horse, not body language
- Your horse can tell you what they want
- Your horse can tell you about their medical symptoms
- Your horse can tell you why you have been brought together
- Your horse can tell you what is happening when you ride together
- Your horse can tell you what makes them happy or sad
- Your horse can tell you who they want to train them, and what activities they actually like
- Your horse can tell you who their friends are and what means the most to them
- Your horse can tell you what they want out of life
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